Where does artificial intelligence intervention begin and end? Will we be able to distinguish between the “robot” from the human? Learn about Google Duplex!
Google Duplex is the new virtual assistant with an artificial intelligence component capable of almost perfectly “mimicking” human voice and interpretation.
The new Google assistant is able to call a hair salon and book the appointment for a haircut in an articulate “almost human” voice. Google Duplex is also able to make a restaurant reservation.
It automatically recognizes speech and has the ability to analyze what the human says and recognizes speech. The assistant has intonation capacity and is also able to introduce human linguistic aids such as “Hum ..; Mmm-Hmmm”. Check out the Google Duplex presentation video or see how it works on the Google Blog.
According to the company, Google Duplex is able to maintain autonomous conversations without human intervention. At this time, the holder of Google, the company Alphabet Inc says that the virtual assistant is only able to perform reservation services.
So far, Google Duplex lets you recognize when conversations have exceeded its capabilities. In these cases it asks for the intervention of a human operator, who can then complete the task.
Will we know the difference when we are talking to a virtual assistant and a human?